Monthly Road Charge Technical Advisory Committee Meeting


Date: February 25, 2015
Contact: Will Kempton
Phone: (916) 654-4245

Monthly meeting of the California Road Charge Technical Advisory Committee.

Senate Bill 1077 created the California Road Usage Charge Pilot Program and tasked the California Transportation Commission, in consultation with the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), to convene a fifteen member committee to study a road usage charge as an alternative to the gas tax. The purpose of the Committee is to study road usage charging methods, seek public input, and make recommendations to CalSTA regarding the design of a road usage charge pilot program.


15-member technical advisory committee including Jim Madaffer, California Transportation Commissioner and Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee.


10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26


Sheraton Grand Hotel, Kamilos/Hendricks Rooms, 1230 J St., Sacramento. Media parking is available at the hotel or public parking at 13th and J Streets.

For more information on the study of a road charge as an alternative to the gas tax, including Committee meeting agendas and minutes, visit CTC's Road Charge Technical Advisory Committee page.