Environmental Program

For all projects that are anticipated to be funded through a program under the purview of the Commission, full compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is required. Commission action is formally taken with respect to environmental documents completed in accordance with CEQA. When federal requirements are applicable, compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is also required. EPA related documents are coordinated through Caltrans and are not submitted to the Commission for formal action.

The Commission will not allocate funds to projects for design, right of way or construction until the final environmental document is complete and the Commission has approved the environmentally cleared project for consideration of future funding.

Lead Agency Responsibility for Document Submission

When CEQA Lead Agencies are other than the Department of Transportation (Department), the CEQA Lead Agency must contact and work with the Commission directly to ensure that the necessary environmental documents, including the Notice of Preparation (NOP), Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), Negative Declaration (ND) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) are brought forward to the Commission for action.

When the Department is the Lead Agency, the Department will ensure that the necessary environmental documents are brought forward to the Commission for action.


Please complete the appropriate form below and submit with all required documents to the Commission.

California Transportation Commission Submission Requirements for Projects Exempt from CEQA

Where the CEQA Lead Agency has made a determination that a project is exempt from the requirements of CEQA, notification of such exemption should be provided to the Department of Transportation (Department) prior to, or upon a request for, allocation of funds. The Department will then notify the Commission of such exemption through the allocation request on the Commission’s agenda and/or vote box.

Mailing Address

Environmental Forms, Documentation and Notification should be sent to:

California Transportation Commission
Attention: Cherry Zamora
1120 N Street, MS 52
Sacramento, CA 95814

Contact Information

Cherry Zamora
Associate Deputy Director 
California Transportation Commission 
Email: cherry.zamora@catc.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 716-4656