Interagency Equity Advisory Committee
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The Interagency Transportation Equity Advisory Committee (Committee) is a priority for the California Transportation Commission (Commission), California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The Committee is intended to elevate diverse and historically marginalized voices to advise our agencies on how to achieve meaningful outcomes in transportation equity, environmental justice, and equitable economic opportunities, especially as related to transportation planning and programming.
From mid-2020 through early 2021, the Commission, CalSTA, and Caltrans released racial equity statements highlighting each agencies strong commitment to equity. To implement these statements, each agency identified the development of an equity advisory committee as a tangible tool to implement meaningful change. This strategy was memorialized in the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI).
One Committee consisting of up to 15 members serving two-year staggered terms will make recommendations to the Commission, CalSTA, and Caltrans. Recommendations will focus on tools and guidelines for transportation planning and funding programs. The Committee will meet pursuant to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. The Commission, CalSTA, and Caltrans retain final decision-making authority.
For additional background information please click HERE.
For more information on purpose, scope, and membership responsibilities of the Committee, please click HERE.
Current Members
Equity Advisory Committee: Subcommittees
On April 5, 2024, members of the interagency Equity Advisory Committee (Committee) took action to form three ad hoc subcommittees. The following ad hoc subcommittees were approved:
- Safety and Climate
- Housing, Infrastructure and Broadband
- Walkability, Disability and Complete Streets
Contact Information
For General Inquiries and Information, email
California Transportation Commission
C. Sequoia Erasmus, Associate Deputy Director, Equity and Engagement
California Department of Transportation
Carolyn Abrams, Race and Equity Program Manager
Director's Office of Equity, Sustainability & Tribal Affairs (ESTA)
California State Transportation Agency
Allison S. Joe, Deputy Secretary for Equity and Workforce
Meetings & Materials
Committee Members and Leadership
Committee Leadership
*Elections for Chair and Vice Chair will be held on March 12, 2025.
Chair (TBD)
Vice Chair (TBD)