Meeting Archives 2022
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2022 Commission Meeting
California Transportation Commission Meeting: January 26(W) - 27(TH), 2022 - Virtual Meeting Via GoToWebinar
View/Download January 26th - 27th Meeting Materials
North STIP Hearing: January 27(TH), 2022 - Virtual Meeting Via GoToWebinar
- 1/27: Meeting Agenda (pdf)
- 1/27: Hearing Webcast Recording (YouTube)
South STIP Hearing: February 3(TH), 2022 - Virtual Meeting Via GoToWebinar
- 02/03: Hearing Agenda (pdf)
- 02/03: Hearing Agenda en Español (pdf)
- 02/03: Hearing Webcast Recording (YouTube)
North / South SHOPP Hearing: February 16(W), 2022 -Virtual Meeting Via GoToWebinar
- 02/16: Hearing Agenda (pdf)
California Transportation Commission Meeting: March 16(W) - 17(TH), 2022 - San Diego
View/Download March 16th - 17th Meeting Materials
California Transportation Commission Meeting: April 13(W), 2022 - Tulare
- 4/13: Meeting Agenda (pdf)
- 4/13: Tab 3 Letters (pdf)
- 4/13: Tab 3 Presentation (pdf)
- 4/13: Webcast Recording (YouTube)
California Transportation Commission Meeting: May 18(W) - 19(TH), 2022 - Fresno
View/Download May 18th - 19th Meeting Materials
California Transportation Commission Meeting: June 29(W) - 30(TH), 2022 - Sacramento
View/Download June 29th - 30th Meeting Materials
South SCCP Hearing: August 10(W), 2022 - Virtual Meeting via GoToWebinar
California Transportation Commission Project Delivery Workshop: August 16(T), 2022
San Jose City Hall - Committee Rooms
- 8/16: Workshop Agenda (pdf)
- 8/16: Tab 2 Presentation (pdf)
- 8/16: Tab 3 Presentation (pdf)
- 8/16: Tab 4 Presentation (pdf)
- 8/16 Workshop Webinar Recording (YouTube)
California Transportation Commission Meeting: August 17(W) - 18(TH), 2022
San Jose City Hall - Council Chambers
- 8/17-18: Agenda (pdf)
- 8/17-18: Agenda en Español (pdf)
View/Download August 17th - 18th Meeting Materials
California Transportation Commission Meeting: August 18(TH), 2022 - San Jose City Hall
- 8/18: Meeting Agenda (pdf)
- 8/18: Meeting Agenda en Español (pdf)
Emergency California Transportation Commission Meeting: October 3(M), 2022 -Via Webinar
- 10/03: Meeting Agenda (pdf)
- 10/3: Tab 2 (pdf)
- 10/3: Tab 3 (pdf
- 10/3:Tab 3 Presentation (pdf)
- 10/3: Meeting Minutes (pdf)
- 10/03: Webinar Recording (YouTube)
California Transportation Commission Meeting: October 12(W) - 13(TH), 2022 - Santa Barbara - Cabrillo Pavilion
- 10/12-13: Meeting Agenda (pdf)
View/Download October 12th - 13th Meeting Materials
California Transportation Commission Meeting: December 7(W) - 8(TH), 2022
Riverside County Administration Center - Supervisors' Chambers and Via GoToWebinar