Aeronautics Program

The Aeronautics Program is a fiscally constrained biennial three-year program of projects, which comes from a 10-year unconstrained Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for eligible airports. The Aeronautics Account, which receives revenues from state general aviation fuel taxes, combined with local funds, is used to match Federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants and funds capital outlay projects at public-use airports through the Acquisition and Development (A&D) element of the California Aid to Airports Program (CAAP). The CAAP also includes a statutory annual credit grant program, which provides annual non-discretionary grants of $10,000 for each general aviation airport in the state. Aeronautics Account funds are applied first to Caltrans aeronautics operations and the annual credit grant program. Any remaining funds are then available for the projects in the Aeronautics Program as adopted by the Commission.

Annual - Adopt Procedures & Allocate Funds

  • Adopt procedures that set forth the Commission’s priorities and application process for funding from the Aeronautics Account in the State Transportation Fund. (PUC 21706)
  • The Department shall make recommendations to the Commission on all applications for funding. Commission allocations shall be represented as subventions in the Department budget. (PUC 2120621683)
  • After funding the state aeronautics program and the annual $10,000 payment to each qualifying airport, the Commission may allocate any balance remaining in the Aeronautics Account to fund a portion of the local match up to an amount equal to 5 percent of each federal airport improvement program grant to general aviation airports or at airports designated by the FAA as reliever airports once the federal grant offer is accepted by the public entity. (PUC 21683.1(a) & (b))
  • Where balances remain in the Aeronautics Account after (1) $10,000 credits (PUC 21682) and (2) funds are allocated as match for the federal Airport Improvement Program Grants (PUC 21683.1), the Commission shall use its discretion for funding airport and aviation purposes subject to the provisions of PUC Section 21684.(PUC 21683.2)

Biennial - Capital Improvement Plan

  • Receive the biennial capital improvement plan (10-year capital improvement plan for each airport based on each airport's adopted master plan if the airport has a master plan, approved by the applicable transportation planning agency, and submitted to the Department for inclusion in the California Aviation System Plan) (PUC 21704)

Every 5 Years - California Aviation System Plan

  • Review, hold hearings, revise as applicable & adopt every 5 years the California Aviation System Plan. (PUC 21702 & 21705)

As Needed

  • Hearing and deciding appeals of any person or entity injured or aggrieved by any procedures or action of the Department with respect to aeronautics. Commission decisions as to such matters, after hearing thereon, are conclusive, subject to such review as may otherwise be provided by law. (PUC 21216)
  • Within 45 days of receipt, review and comment on the Department’s evaluations of the present and future need for an airport in the state’s public use airport system, including the need for both the transportation of people and goods whenever an airport owned or operated by the United States in California ceases to be so owned or operated. (PUC 21632)
  • To increase pilot awareness of wire hazards and to communicate techniques for identifying and avoiding wires, electrical Corporations and publicly owned electrical utilities serving 250,000 or more customers in California are required to pay a one-time fee in a sufficient amount so that the total fee collected does not exceed $100,000. If not done so already, the Commission must determine whether all costs incurred by electrical corporations are reasonable and fully recoverable through rates. (PUC 21505 & 21507

Contact Information

Rebecca Light
Assistant Deputy Director
California Transportation Commission
Phone: (916) 291-8536

Aeronautics Committee Information