Senate Bill 1 (SB 1)

The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017

Senate Bill 1 the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017

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General Overview

After years of advocating for a solution to the state’s transportation crisis, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed SB 1 (Beall, 2017), also known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, increasing transportation funding and instituting much-needed reforms. SB 1 provides the first significant, stable, and on-going increase in state transportation funding in more than two decades.


Within the legislative intent language in SB 1, the estimated expenditures by program are as follows:

Funding Amount (over 10 years) Funding Amount (per year) Program Name/Description
Local Programs
$15 billion $1.5 billion Local Street and Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation
$7.5 billion $750 million Transit Operations and Capital
$2 billion $200 million Local Partnership Program
$1 billion $100 million Active Transportation Program
$825 million $82.5 million State Transportation Improvement Program – Regional Share
$250 million $25 million Local Planning Grants
State Programs
$19 billion $1.9 billion State Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation
$3 billion $300 million Trade Corridor Enhancement Program
$2.5 billion $250 million Solutions for Congested Corridors Program
$800 million $80 million Parks, Off-Highway Vehicle, Boating, and Agricultural Programs
$275 million $27.5 million State Transportation Improvement Program – Interregional Share
$250 million $25 million Freeway Service Patrol Programs
$70 million $7 million California University Transportation Research Programs

Accountability and Reform Measures

SB 1 stipulates a number of measures intended to hold transportation agencies more accountable on the expenditure of SB 1 funds; plus reform and streamline how a wide-range of transportation projects are delivered.

More about SB 1 Reforms...

CTC’s SB 1 Implementation Plan

In providing this funding, the Legislature has increased the Commission’s role in a number of existing programs, and created new programs for the Commission to oversee.

More about CTC SB 1 Implementation...

Summary of SB 1 Funding Programs

Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP)

The purpose of the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program is to provide funding to achieve a balanced set of transportation, environmental, and community access improvements to reduce congestion throughout the state. This statewide, competitive program makes $250 million available annually for projects that implement specific transportation performance improvements and are part of a comprehensive corridor plan by providing more transportation choices while preserving the character of local communities and creating opportunities for neighborhood enhancement.

More about SCCP...

Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP)

The Trade Corridor Enhancement Program provides an ongoing source of state funding dedicated to freight-related projects by establishing the new Trade Corridor Enhancement Account (TCEA). The TCEA will provide approximately $300 million per year in state funding for projects which more efficiently enhance the movement of goods along corridors that have a high freight volume. Subsequent legislation (SB 103), combined the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program funds with existing federal freight funding.

More about TCEP...

Local Streets and Roads Program (LSRP)

The Local Streets and Roads Program dedicates approximately $1.5 billion per year in new formula revenues apportioned by the State Controller to cities and counties for basic road maintenance, rehabilitation, and critical safety projects on the local streets and roads system.

More about LSRP...

Local Partnership Program (LPP)

The Local Partnership Program provides local and regional transportation agencies that have passed sales tax measures, developer fees, or other imposed transportation fees with a continuous appropriation of $200 million annually to fund road maintenance and rehabilitation, sound walls, and other transportation improvement projects.

More about LPP...

SB 1 Augmented the Funding for Three Existing Funding Programs:

Active Transportation Program (ATP)

The Legislature created the ATP in 2013 to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. SB 1 directs $100 million annually the ATP, significantly augmenting the available funding for this popular program.

More about SB 1 ATP Augmentation...

State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)

The additional SB 1 SHOPP investment, estimated at approximately $1.5 billion annually to improve the condition of the State Highway System, and $400 million annually for bridges and culverts will also have a positive impact on the State’s economy. SB 1 requires the Commission to adopt and manage the SHOPP in a transparent and accountable manner.

More about SB 1 SHOPP Augmentation...

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The STIP is the biennial five-year plan adopted by the Commission for future allocations of certain state transportation funds for state highway improvements, intercity rail, and regional highway and transit improvements. State law requires the Commission to update the STIP biennially, in even-numbered years, with each new STIP adding two new years to prior programming commitments.

SB 1 stabilizes funding for the STIP. The impact of the stabilization of STIP funding was included in the 2018 STIP Fund Estimate and will be incorporated in the 2018 STIP.

More about STIP ...

Contact Information

Matthew Yosgott
Deputy Director - Programming - SB1
California Transportation Commission