Local Partnership Program

The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 1) created the Local Partnership Program and continuously appropriates $200 million annually from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to local and regional transportation agencies that have sought and received voter approval of taxes or that have imposed fees, which taxes or fees are dedicated solely for transportation improvements.

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Program Objective

The primary objective of this program is to provide funding to counties, cities, districts, and regional transportation agencies in which voters have approved fees or taxes dedicated solely to transportation improvements or that have imposed fees, including uniform developer fees, dedicated solely to transportation improvements [as defined by Government Code Section 8879.67(b)]. Consistent with the intent behind Senate Bill 1, the Commission intends this program to balance the need to direct increased revenue to the state’s highest transportation needs while fairly distributing the economic impact of increased funding.

Program Benefits

The Local Partnership Program provides funding to local and regional agencies to improve:

  • Aging Infrastructure
  • Road Conditions
  • Active Transportation
  • Transit and rail
  • Health and Safety Benefits

Program Distribution

The Local Partnership Program funds are distributed through a 40% statewide competitive component and a 60% formulaic component.

Formulaic Program

Eligibility: Jurisdictions with voter approved taxes, tolls, or fees, which are dedicated solely to transportation improvements.

Share Distribution: The Commission will adopt the funding share for each eligible taxing authority by establishing northern and southern California shares and by attributing the proportional share of revenues from voter approved taxes, tolls, and fees and distributing in proportion based on the county’s population and revenue. Detailed information can be found in the Local Partnership Program Guidelines, below.

Competitive Program

Eligibility: Jurisdictions with voter approved taxes, tolls, or fees, which are dedicated solely to transportation improvements or that have imposed fees, including uniform developer fees, which are dedicated solely to transportation improvements. Detailed information can be found in the Local Partnership Program Guidelines, below.

More information specific to each component is available at the links below:

Competitive Program Formulaic Program

2024 SB 1 Programs Virtual Office Hours

2024 SB 1 Programs Virtual Office Hours - The Commission’s SB 1 Programming Team hosted virtual office hour sessions in March, April, and May 2024. These sessions were open to all applicants across the state and enabled applicants to discuss their project proposals with Commission staff. 


Contact Information

Leishara Ward
Associate Deputy Director
California Transportation Commission
Email: leishara.ward@catc.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 396-1433

Kayla Giese
Assistant Deputy Director
California Transportation Commission
Email: Kayla.Giese@catc.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 281-6109