Local Partnership Program (LPP) - Formulaic

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The Commission established the initial 2018 Local Partnership Formulaic program as a two-year $200 million (Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19) program. The 2019 Formulaic Program includes one year of funding, $100 million for Fiscal Year 2019-20; the 2020 Formulaic Program includes three years of funding, totaling $324 million for Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2022-23. The 2022 Formulaic Program includes two years of funding, totaling $216 million for fiscal years 2023-24 and 2024-25. New cycles will be programmed every two years.


Jurisdictions with voter approved taxes, tolls, or fees, which are dedicated solely to transportation improvements.

Formulaic Funding Distribution

The Commission will adopt the funding share for each eligible taxing authority by establishing northern and southern California shares and by attributing the proportional share of revenues from voter approved taxes, tolls, and fees and distributing in proportion based on the county’s population and revenue. Detailed information can be found in the 2024 Local Partnership Formulaic Program Guidelines (PDF) - August 15, 2024.

Formulaic Program of Projects

The Local Partnership Formulaic Program Guidelines allow agencies included in the adopted Formulaic Program fund distribution to nominate projects for the Formulaic Program. Only the agencies listed in the most recently adopted funding distribution are eligible to receive Formulaic Program funding.

Commission adopted 2018-2022 Formulaic Program of Projects (PDF) – August 15, 2024

Contact Information

Kayla Giese
Assistant Deputy Director
California Transportation Commission
Email: Kayla.Giese@catc.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 281-6109