Active Transportation Program (ATP)

The Active Transportation Program was created by Senate Bill 99 to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as walking and biking.

The Active Transportation Program consolidated various transportation programs into a single program and was originally funded at about $123 million a year from a combination of state and federal funds. The goals of the ATP include, but are not limited to, increasing the proportion of trips accomplished by walking and biking, increasing the safety and mobility of non-motorized users, advancing efforts of regional agencies to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals, enhancing public health, and providing a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many types of users including disadvantaged communities.

In 2017, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 1, also known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act. SB 1 directs $100 million annually from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to the ATP, significantly augmenting the available funding for this popular program.

Program Benefits

Since its inception, the Active Transportation Program has funded over 800 active transportation projects across the state benefiting both urban and rural areas. More than 400 of the funded projects are Safe Routes to Schools projects and programs that encourage a healthy and active lifestyle throughout students' lives. In addition, every cycle has seen more than 85% of funds going towards projects that will benefit disadvantaged communities throughout the state.

While the Active Transportation Program has successfully funded projects across the State, the Program is incredibly oversubscribed and cannot meet all of the State's needs. Therefore, the Commission and Caltrans have developed a list of additional programs that fund active transportation projects and elements to serve as a resource for cities, counties, and agencies looking to fund valuable active transportation projects in their communities. 

Active Transportation Resource Center

The Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) is funded by the California Transportation Commission's Active Transportation Program. The ATRC utilizes a combination of subject matter experts from state agencies, universities, and consultants to provide active transportation trainings, tools, and technical assistance for current and potential ATP applicants. The ATRC also provides resources for infrastructure and non-infrastructure ATP projects.

Accessibility Assistance

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) makes every attempt to ensure our documents are accessible. Due to variances between assistive technologies, there may be portions of a document which are not accessible. Where documents cannot be made accessible, we are committed to providing alternative access to the content. Should you need additional assistance, please contact us at (916) 654-2162, or CTC at, or visit Request ADA Compliant Documents.

2025 Active Transportation Program Statewide and Small Urban & Rural Staff Recommendations

2025 Active Transportation Program - Budget Update Workshop

Virtual Workshop
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
10:00am - 12:00pm

2025 Active Transportation Program Application Receipt Logs

2025 Active Transportation Program Guidelines

2025 Active Transportation Program Application Resources

2025 Active Transportation Program Scoring Rubrics 

Workshop Resources

Submittable Workshop

Project Study Report Equivalency





2023 ATP Reports

Final Adopted Program

2023 Active Transportation Program Staff Recommendations:

2023 Active Transportation Program Project Profiles:

2023 ATP Final Scores  

2023 Successful ATP Applications (PDF)

2023 Active Transportation Program Application Logs

2023 Active Transportation Program Guidelines

2023 Active Transportation Program Scoring Rubrics 

Project Study Report Equivalency Workshop Materials

2021 Application Receipt Log

2021 ATP Reports

Final Adopted Program

2021 ATP Staff Recommendations

2021 ATP Final Scores

2021 Successful ATP Applications (PDF)

Quick-Build Project Pilot Program

Final Scoring Rubrics

Final Adopted Program Guidelines

The following are available upon request:

  • MPO Regional Guidelines

Project Study Report Equivalency Workshop Materials

Contact Information

Laurie Waters
Associate Deputy Director
California Transportation Commission
Phone: (916) 654-4245 

Elika Changizi
Staff Services Manager
California Transportation Commission
Phone: (916) 654-4245